External Program Funding Guidelines

While our primary purpose is to fund internally generated programs, including pro bono activities conducted by AABANY, we will support external programs whose educational and charitable missions are consistent with ours. The following are our funding guidelines for external programs.

We will only fund U.S.-based Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations and programs that do not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Code. We are not formed for pecuniary profit or for financial gain and no part of our assets, income or profit shall be distributed or inure to the benefit of any private individual.

The primary geographic scope of coverage will be the Greater New York Metropolitan Area.

Grants are generally made annually, but we may make multi-year grants.

Grants will generally not exceed $5,000 per year.

Grant proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis over the course of a year.

Primary consideration is given to grant proposals for:

  • Program-specific activities
  • Public interest internship funding
  • Program development projects

We will not fund:

  • Private foundations
  • For profit organizations
  • Organizations which, in their constitution, bylaws or practices discriminate against persons or groups on the basis of age, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, political affiliation or religious belief
  • Political or lobbying activities
  • Debt reduction

Application Process
1. Organizations may submit a grant proposal or a letter of inquiry, the latter preferably being one page but no more than two pages in length. The letter of inquiry should be signed by the organization’s Executive Director or other comparable officer and should address the following:

  • Brief description of organization, including objectives
  • Statement of the organization’s needs and the amount being requested
  • Proposed use of proceeds of any grant or gift to be received
  • Proposed mode of acknowledgment or recognition of any grant or gift made by AALFNY
  • The letter of inquiry should be accompanied by a copy of the organization’s most recent financial statements, audited if available, evidence of the organization’s Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt or not-for-profit status, a list of the organization’s Board of Directors and management. Letters of inquiry and related attachments should be submitted by mail, courier or email.

2. If, following review, our Board reacts positively to a letter of inquiry, we may contact the organization to solicit a formal grant proposal on the “New York/New Jersey Area Common Application Form” prepared by Philanthropy New York. Fully completed grant proposals should be submitted to us within 30 days following receipt of a positive response to a letter of inquiry. A grant proposal is “submitted” only when we have received all requested information.

Contact Information

1. Questions concerning AALFNY, its purposes and the application process may be directed to any member of our Board of Directors.

2. Grant requests and other material may be submitted electronically to any member of our board. Original copies may also be delivered by mail to AALFNY at c/o White & Case LLP, 1155 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10036, Attention: Sylvia Chin.